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My Migrated Site has Regained PageRank, MozRank and Search Engine Ranking

12th November 2012

I have written previously that one of my site, hit by Google EMD update, was recovered in term of search engine ranking by moving to new domain name (you can find them here, here, here and here.) With this blog post, I would like to report that the site has been migrated perfectly, including all the ranking signals in search engine result pages (SERPs,) PageRank and MozRank.

I’ve checked the old domain name, the header sent is 301 – which means that search engine crawlers will be able to correctly consider the site as permanently moved.

PageRank regained

The new domain has gained the PageRank (was, of course, a grey bar, it’s now a site with PR 4 homepage) – just the same as the old domain name, which previously has a Toolbar PageRank 4 for some of the latest PageRank update.

SO, the theory was right – Matt Cutts mentioned that doing a permanent redirection (301 redirect) to a new domain name will pass PageRank value, but might loss some in the process. In my site case, it might lost some value, but in term of Toolbar PageRank, it’s just the same right now.

Search engine rankings regained

It’s a great result for the experiment: The site has regained its ranking in search engines, ranking in the first page of search results for many keywords, just like before it hit by the EMD update. Prior to migrating to a new domain name, the site has unfairly been hit due to the exact match domain name with the mistakenly main keyword (I’m not targeting my domain name as the main keyword, but Google bot doesn’t think that’s the case.) Ranking drops in the dozens. Really frustrating; but now it ends well…

MozRank and MozTrust regained

I was having a concern with my MozRank, showing 0.0. But I read that it takes weeks to get sites (Top 25% sites, taht is…) indexed, so I just waited. I can now confirm that the site has been ranked by SEOMoz, getting MozRank and MozTrust pretty similar to the old site. The links are counted correctly – everything is just like the old site – only better in term of traffic 🙂

What next?

My homework is not over. I still need to continue building the brand of my site. As we all know, moving domain name is one thing, but connecting the new web address to the old business name is not easy. Some people still mistakenly address the site name with the old domain name, and I need to continue socializing the changes via its Twitter account and Facebook business page.


Okay – it’s probably safe to assume that my experiment in moving to a new address is deemed as successful. This has opened my eyes to many possibilities, not only in responding to EMD updates. When I want to move a site from main domain to a sub-domain or sub-folder, I can just do the same thing. When I want to consolidate a couple of my sites into a bigger, more-authoritative sites, I can just do the same thing. The possibilities are limitless.

I hope my experiment is useful for you – please share your views; have you done the same thing? Please share your experience with us by leaving a comment below…

Post cover image by apdk

Ivan Widjaya is the owner of, as well as the founder of several online businesses:, and He runs his business from anywhere, anytime he wants.


  • Chad
    Posted at 8:44 am December 10, 2013

    Hi Ivan,

    Great post. How long did it take for the PR to update on the tool bar?

    Thank You

  • Ivan Widjaya
    Posted at 10:35 pm March 23, 2014
    Ivan Widjaya


    In weeks 🙂